Weekly Photo Challenge: Colorful Korea!

I had such a great time going through my old photos to find something suitable for this week’s Weekly Photo Challenge,  under the theme, Colorful. An inspiring idea by the fantastic WordPress people. Now they have hundreds of bloggers smiling and laughing, but most importantly noticing the kaleidoscope of beauty that makes up their lives. Thank you WordPress!

Buddha’s Birthday Lanterns


My niece and I in our hanboks for Lunar New Year

Korean dumplings (mandu 만두)

39 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Colorful Korea!

    1. Thank you for the pingback! I think you’ve tackled an interesting challenge. Was the negative space theme an earlier theme in the year? I just started the challenges last week.

  1. Festive, colorful, culturally rich. Reminds me of my visit to San Francisco’s China town. Those dim sum looks so delicious. We have a Chinese festival in Houston too but I missed it this year. Thanks for the visit and for sharing this wonderful post. Your niece is so cute and looked so happy. Love the picture with you and her in it. It showed the color of happiness!

  2. I love the colors here; so much like a wonderland playground… those lanterns are fantastic! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  3. aloha Josette – great shots of color-ful-ness. you have a good eye and that makes exploring your photos a lot of fun.

    i had another ku (short and accepted in English now by a lot of Haiku poets along with Haiku as a term for this poetry form) that i had thought about using in my colorful theme photo. what is fun is that your “Birthday Lanterns” connect up to the ku really well:

    the twenty-fifth of July

    fun. aloha.

    1. Selamat malang Neng! Is that correct? I took an intensive Bahasa Indonesiana class 4 years ago, and have lost a lot of it.

      Thank you so much for your comment! It’s amazing how colorful asian traditional clothing is. Happy blogging!

    1. Thank you for the specific feedback on the lantern photo! It helps me understand what viewers are enjoying.

      I had a fun browse through your blog. Matala is a great theme eh? I just switched to it. I liked your idea of putting your about info at the end of a post. I might do that too. Thanks for the tip!

    1. Thank you very much Estrelladeluz! I noticed that you also participate in http://www.postcrossing.com. I’m a teacher educator, and each semester I train my teachers how to use this site. They get great results with their students. Happy posting!

    1. Thank you for the feedback! I appreciate you coming along the journey, and I hope to share more with you!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by! And happy to meet you along this challenge. I look forward to seeing more of what you create!

    1. Thank you! They are actually savory. If you’re from the States or Canada, you could compare them to eggrolls. A mixture of meat and veggies inside.

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